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Renew Medspa
Embracing a New Path After Layoff: Julie's MedSpa Success Story

Renew MedSpa, Julie Davis

Title / Role: Founder, Aesthetic & Laser Technician, Injector & Phlebotomist
Location: Eagan, Minnesota
Formed in: 2020
My successes.

Renew MedSpa, founded an owned by Julie Davis, faced a challenging start when they opened their doors on March 1, 2020, only to close them shortly after due to the pandemic. 尽管有这些障碍,朱莉还是设法在6月重新开业,从那以后,水疗中心一直蒸蒸日上. 朱莉的企业传播背景和她对美学的热情促使她开始创业. The spa offers a range of services, from laser hair removal to skin resurfacing and weight loss programs. While facing challenges such as parting ways with a business partner, 朱莉专注于个性化的护理和奉献精神,帮助客户带来了回头客和积极的评价. She recommends careful planning, utilizing resources like SCORE, and not being deterred by naysayers for aspiring entrepreneurs. Medspa的成功故事反映了相信自己的重要性, seeking mentorship, and adapting to challenges.

What do you do?

I am the founder of Renew MedSpa, a full-service medical spa offering services like laser hair removal, CoolSculpting, Botox, fillers, advanced skin tightening and resurfacing, facials, microneedling, and a weight loss injection program. 我们的重点是提供高质量的客户服务,并花时间了解每个客户的个人目标. When meeting with clients, 我问自己如何才能成为他们的祝福,我能提供什么解决方案来纠正和帮助他们提出的问题. 我能得到的最好的赞美就是我让别人的生活变得更好. 

What inspired you to start your business?

I had a unique journey that led me to start Renew MedSpa. 在富国银行(Wells Fargo)从事企业传讯工作21年后, I got laid off at the age of 50. This prompted me to consider a different path. 我参加了激光课程,这激发了我对医疗水疗行业的兴趣. 凭借我的背景和技能,我看到了创造一些特别东西的机会. Despite challenges, I followed my passion, did research, and with the support of resources like SCORE, I turned my vision into reality.

What's special about your business?

让Renew MedSpa与众不同的是,我们专注于成为一家精品MedSpa,优先考虑高质量的客户服务. 我们的目标不是成为一家大型企业集团,而是为每位客户提供个性化的服务. 我们的目标是真正了解人们的需求,并引导他们获得正确的服务. 我们花时间去了解我们的客户,并提供超越快速交易的关怀. 我们致力于产生积极的影响,帮助人们看起来和感觉自己是最好的.

What have been the high and low points of being a business owner?

Being a business owner has had its share of highs and lows. 其中一个低潮是与一个难以相处且有害的商业伙伴打交道, which led to a lengthy legal process to separate our partnership. This was a difficult and stressful time. 然而,从那时起,我已经能够按照我最初的愿景发展业务. On the positive side, there have been many wins, 比如与信任我们的回头客建立强大的客户群. Additionally, 我有机会成为皮肤程序和护肤方面的专家,我喜欢学习和掌握提供可见和持久效果的治疗方法.  Despite the challenges, 帮助别人和看着生意蓬勃发展的满足感使这一切都值得.

What is your relationship with SCORE? SCORE client What influenced you to seek help from SCORE?

当我考虑创业时,我知道我需要指导和支持. 我听说过SCORE及其商业指导服务,这引起了我的兴趣. 我通过谷歌搜索找到了SCORE,并参加了几次网络研讨会和研讨会, which provided me with foundational knowledge. The idea of having a business mentor appealed to me, especially because I was entering a new industry. 我意识到SCORE可以提供我自己可能没有的见解和观点. 向SCORE寻求帮助是我接触经验丰富的专业人士的一种方式,他们可以指导我完成创业和经营企业的复杂过程.

How SCORE helped.

在我作为企业主的旅程中,SCORE一直是一个无价的资源. 我参加了几次网络研讨会和研讨会,这为我提供了必要的知识和见解. 我得到的指导是通过实时计划软件创建一个全面的商业计划,这对获得小企业管理局贷款至关重要. 尽管我的导师并不完全熟悉医疗水疗行业, their advice was helpful, especially in the early stages. SCORE's webinars, like the ones on marketing, 也有助于我对经营企业的各个方面的理解. As a free service, SCORE has provided me with tools, support, 这些联系在Renew MedSpa的成功中发挥了重要作用.

What's great about my mentor?

Their experience and insights, even though they weren't entirely familiar with the medspa industry, have been incredibly helpful. I appreciate their willingness to listen, offer suggestions and resources, and help me think critically about my business.


我对任何考虑创业的人的建议是,相信自己,在计划阶段花点时间. Don't rush into things; research and preparation are key. 利用你可用的资源,比如SCORE的研讨会和指导. 和那些相信你的愿景并能提供指导的人在一起. 为挑战做好准备,要知道错误是学习过程的一部分. 忠于你的激情和目标,不要被反对者吓倒. 创业是一段需要奉献精神和毅力的旅程, and flexibility, but the rewards can be incredibly fulfilling.

What would you tell a fellow business owner about SCORE?

I would highly recommend SCORE to fellow business owners. Their workshops and mentorship have been invaluable to me. 我从SCORE获得的指导和见解帮助我应对挑战并做出明智的决定. Whether you're just starting out or looking to grow your business, SCORE提供了丰富的资源和经验丰富的导师,他们真诚地希望看到你成功. 不要犹豫,向SCORE寻求支持和建议——它会对你的创业之旅产生重大影响.

What have you learned from your experiences as a business owner?

作为一个企业主,我学到的一个重要教训是,不知道所有的事情是没关系的,学习是旅程的一部分. 我开始明白,我可以委派任务,并向拥有我所缺乏的专业知识的人寻求帮助. Recognizing my weaknesses and strengths has been empowering. Another lesson is the importance of taking risks.  Stepping out of my comfort zone is when I learn and grow the most. Also I've realized that mistakes are valuable learning experiences,  whether it's choosing the wrong software or making the wrong decision. Mistakes are okay l and help me grow and be better. Lastly, 我开始意识到找到合适的人——那些相信并支持我的人——在我身边的重要性. Overall, being a business owner has taught me resilience, adaptability, and not being afraid to take risks.

Additional media
Renew Medspa Lobby
7760 France Ave S, Suite 1100
Bloomington, MN 55435
(952) 938-4570

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